Category: Framework

Our first JavaScript framework

Framework – Your First Framework – Part 4

In part three, we added some core functionality to our framework in the form of window handling and dispose methods to clear up after ourselves. We also looked at adding some basic Javascript functionality to invoke scripts on our pages. So far we have the very basics of a framework, and we could if we…
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Design Pattern - Factory

Design Pattern – Factory

So far in our Design Pattern series, we have learnt about the Page Object Model and Facade and how they can be used within test automation. Both of which have their pros and cons, and both have situations where one is better suited than the other. In part three, we’re going to learn about another commonly…
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Our first JavaScript framework

Framework – Your First Framework – Part 3

In part two, we created the foundation of our framework, by setting up the classes that allow us to setup and dispose of our driver instances. But we’re not going to be doing much in the way of testing by just opening an empty window and closing it. Next, we’re going to create some wrapper…
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Our first JavaScript framework

Framework – Your First Framework Part 2

In part one, we built our Driver factory class that will allow us to create an instance of a browser driver, depending on the parameter we passed in. This was an important first step, as without this we would have to manually create our browser instance in our tests themselves. By doing it this way,…
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Design Pattern - Factory

Design Pattern – Facade

In the last article of this series, we learnt how to write tests using the Page Object Model design pattern. It allowed us to create a test with minimal code, keeping all the actions and element interactions in our page object class itself. This works brilliantly with web applications that have no set journey they…
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Our first JavaScript framework

Framework – Your First Framework Part 1

In the last article, we discussed the definition of a framework and expanded on it. And we tried to understand that the idea of writing your own framework isn’t quite as scary as you might think.  So today, we’re going to take the first step in to creating your first framework for testing web applications…
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Design Pattern - Factory

Design Pattern – Page Object Model

In the first article of the this Design Pattern series, we looked at describing three of the more popular design patterns when it came to writing a framework. One of the three we learnt about was the Page Object Model design pattern. This is probably the most commonly used as it lends itself to creating…
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Design Pattern - Factory

Design Pattern – Which One to Use?

When trying to design a framework, it’s important to understand that while there is no right or wrong way to do it, there are still good ways to do it. Designing your framework to allow tests to be created within a certain way is just good practise. There are three main design patterns that people…
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Our first JavaScript framework

Framework – Understanding The Basics

This series of articles will cover the basics of what we can define a framework as being, and go on to designing our own basic framework step by step. By the end of it, you’ll have a fully functioning framework that will allow you to write and execute testing of any web site or web…
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