Category: Best Practise

Does your code smell?

Best Practises – Avoiding Code Smells

Code smell, if you haven’t heard that term before then you probably thought that the title of this article is just bad English. But ‘code smell’ is an actual term in the programming world, and it’s one you should become familiar with. A code smell, simply put, is something in code that isn’t quite right…
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Does your code smell?

Best Practises – Naming Standards Part Two

Part one saw us learn about good and bad naming for variables and method names, and the type of rules you should follow when deciding on names. In part two, we’re going to expand upon the naming standards for methods. Having a good method name is a start, but you need to take in to…
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Does your code smell?

Best Practices – Naming Standards Part One

One of the most important parts of writing good code, be it in a test, framework or anywhere else, is that it’s readable. One way to achieve this is to make sure that you stick to good naming standards within your code. This applies to everything from variables, methods, tests and classes. Back when I…
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