Training Now Available

I love writing the content for this site, and I love even more that people might visit this site and learn a new skill or improve existing skills. But while learning from a site like this suits some, it’s not for everyone. We all learn differently, and often people prefer a more formal learning environment with a teacher or speaker present, going through the material with them every step of the way.
I’ve been putting together training material for a while now, and happy to say that I’m finally at a point where I feel that it’s ready to be made available. It’s important to me that the packages cover all the most important areas, and that even the Basic package will give your staff the confidence to make that move from manual to automation testing.
The training is aimed at small to large groups and depending on the package chosen, and will be done over a day or three days at a location of your choosing. Ultimately though, the duration is up to you, I’m happy to tailor it to your needs to ensure your staff are learning at a pace that is most comfortable for them, and also ensuring that work doesn’t come to a standstill for your company
The available packages can be found here via the ‘Training’ link in the menu at the top of this page.
If any of these sound suitable, or if you just want to discuss them with me to find out more, then please don’t hesitate to get in contact via the Contact Page, where I will be only too happy to discuss your requirements to determine how best I can help you.