LearnAutomation Has an App!

This post is only about a month or two late! But if you are a frequent visitor or even if you’re visiting for the first time and enjoying the content, then there is now an app for your phone or tablet that gives you easy access to the site’s content.
For now, it is an iOS only app, but I’m nearing the completion of the Android version so expect that shortly.
The app allows you to sort and favourite articles to give you quick access to the articles that help you the most. There are also a number of new features coming in the next couple of updates, including tests for you to check your knowledge on what you’ve read to help make sure it’s sinking in, the video content I’ve been promising (yes, it’s actually done!) and downloadable cheat sheets for many of the languages or frameworks you’ve seen on this site.
If you have any feedback about the app, please do get in touch. I’m always looking to make it better so if there’s something you’d like to see, I’m happy to hear your opnion.